even out

even outeven out1.变平The ground evens out on the other side of the mountain.山的那边, 地变得平坦了。He raked the soil to even it out.他把土耙平。The workers are busy evening out the surface of the road with a roller.工人们忙着用压路机压平路面。2.(使)平稳; (使)均衡Prices should even out when the crops are gathered.庄稼收获时, 物价应该稳定下来。We must even out the differences between social classes.我们一定要消灭各阶级之间的差别。It is much better if payments can be evened out on a monthly basis.如果能按月付款那就更好了。

even out1.使(表面等)平坦(或平滑),使平整;拉平;变平,变平坦:The wrinkles will even out when the suit dries.衣服干了之后皱纹就会变平的。2.使均等,使均衡;使稳定:We are optimistic that the situation would even out eventually.局势最终会稳定下来,对此我们持乐观态度。3.变正常:Her irregular heartbeats began to even out.她的不规则心跳开始变得正常起来。
